Bell Family & Friends
4 September 2024 Corporate

Bell Family & Friends – A look behind the scenes

On Saturday 31 August, employees and their families gathered at Bell’s headquarters for a special open day. At the Leipzig-Miltitz site, where around 200 people work every day to create new fragrances and flavours for food, beverages, personal care and cleaning products and much more, the guests were delighted to gain a rare insight into the company.

Educational and entertaining

Throughout the day, the area opposite the research building was a hive of activity, as were the company’s various departments. Employees from production, research and development, logistics, administration and quality assurance took the guests on tours and gave exciting demonstrations. The highlight for many was the visit to the production facilities, where the guests learned interesting facts about the production process of flavours, fragrances and ingredient specialities.

In the modern logistics centre, inaugurated in 2018, visitors were also introduced to advanced storage technology and learned more about the various goods: The raw materials come from all over the world and are stored in numerous high-bay racks in a “chaotic” but secure manner before being shipped as fragrances and flavours to Europe and the Middle East. Finally, visitors learned about essential steps in the quality assurance department that ensure that Bell’s products always meet the high demands of consumers and customers.


Playing with the elements

In the research and development building, the steps of product development were demonstrated and it was explained how an idea becomes a market-ready product. Demonstration experiments with helium and frozen nitrogen in the analytical laboratory provided an eye-opening experience. The physical effects of these gases fascinated visitors and provided an entertaining insight into Bell’s quality assurance work.


Getting in touch with the Schimmel Library

Another highlight for many adults and children alike was a visit to the historic Schimmel Library, one of the world’s largest collections of essential oils, aromas and plant extracts. The younger visitors took the opportunity to make their own little notebooks, while the adults delved deeper into the history and significance of this unique library.

Fun time together

Barbecue, cake and games

In addition to the tours and demonstrations, the festival grounds provided space for fun and socialising. Guests could relax over Bratwurst and cake and try the various Bell-flavoured soft drinks on offer. Of course, the cola drink, whose basic ingredient has been produced in Miltitz for over 70 years, was not to be missed.

A heart for a good cause

Last but not least, a fundraising campaign initiated by Bell for the benefit of the association Elternhilfe krebskranke Kinder e.V. also attracted a lot of attention. The management and other executives collected more than 1200 euros in a raffle. Bell has now rounded up the amount to €2,500 and is delighted to be able to support the important work of the association at Universitätsklinikum Leipzig with this donation.

An outstanding day all round. Thanks to all the visitors and the team.