
Information pursuant to DDG (Digital Services Act):

Bell Flavors & Fragrances GmbH

Schimmelstrasse 1
04205 Leipzig

Tel.:  +49.341.9451.0
Fax:  +49.341.9411.669


Raymond Heinz
Holger Wetzler

Register Court:
Amtsgericht Leipzig

Register No.: HRB-8114
VAT according to § 27 a VAT-law: DE 811467005
Organic Certification No.: DE-Öko-006

Raymond Heinz
(address as written above)

Concept, design and programming:
Bell Flavors & Fragrances GmbH

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We are responsible for the content of our Internet pages in accordance with the provisions of general law. All contents are created with the necessary care and to the best of our knowledge. Insofar as we refer to websites of third parties on our website with hyperlinks, we cannot assume any liability for the continuous topicality, correctness and completeness of the linked content, as this content lies outside our area of responsibility and we have no influence on the future design. If, in your opinion, any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know.

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This entire site is protected by national and international copyright regulations. Unless clearly stated otherwise, you may not commercially use, reproduce, copy, store or publish any information or material from this site without a written permission from the site owner.

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