Sugar reduction is one of the central topics of the food and beverage industry, especially in Western Europe. Political restrictions, efforts by manufacturers to reduce the sugar content in their products, and consumers’ increasing health awareness are encouraging reformulations, leading to a rising demand for sugar-reduced products, especially within the beverages, dairy and ice cream segments. The reduction of sugar in food products represents a major challenge for manufacturers, as not only technical product properties within the production process are affected, but above all taste, mouthfeel and texture. As a valuable partner with a high level of expertise in taste, Bell offers functional solutions to this problematic that not only positively influence the taste, mouthfeel and ultimately the texture of sugar-reduced products, but are also in line with consumers’ clean labelling expectations.
Functional taste solutions for sugar reduction

In our whitepaper, you can find out how the challenges around sugar reduction have developed and what successful solutions we can offer to you.
Growing market relevance of sugar reduction
According to market data almost 90% of global consumers pay attention to sugar, sweeteners or related claims when choosing food and drinks. Growing aspirations for healthy food choices and increasing concerns on sugar intake are driving the food and beverage industry to respond with reformulation of products or new developments based on less or low sugar. At the same time, governments have set up taxes on sugar-sweetened products, making reformulation inevitable in many Western European countries.
The industry is therefore facing challenges, as successful products need to be adapted using natural ingredients, less sugar and by substituting artificial sweeteners, with only slight compromises on taste being accepted by the consumer.
REDsugar: natural taste solutions for 30% sugar reduction
As sugar is an active ingredient, it not only acts responsible for the sweetness-perception, but also impacts other major sensory attributes within the products’ formulation. Bell´s REDsugar natural flavour range therefore helps to keep complex matrixes in applications, closing the “sugar gap” and helping to maintain mouthfeel, taste and texture, while delivering a positive impact on the sweet perception of a product. As a result, the sugar content can be decreased by at least 30%, depending on the application.
We understand that every application requires different approaches in keeping the taste and the product appeal when reducing sugar. We therefore applied our flavour house expertise in developing tailormade flavour solutions that can be individually adapted to your specific needs, delivering intense, high-quality and satisfying product properties.
Get in touch with us
Our team of application technicians, sensory specialists and flavour experts supports you in reformulating your products. In cooperation with you, we develop high-quality products meeting the needs of consumers as well as political restrictions. We offer you successful solutions for the challenges associated with sugar reduction.