The health and wellness trend is fueling product innovation on plant-based food and drink alternatives on a global level. However, creating plant-based products can be challenging. With our new PLANT FUTURE platform, we are merging extensive expertise on plant-based dairy, meat and fish alternatives.

Taste solutions for plant-based alternatives
Bell's toolbox for plant-based flavour alternativesBell pursues a holistic approach to provide its customers with a natural and sensory convincing plant-based product portfolio. The new PLANT FUTURE platform can be thought of as a kind of toolbox. Besides functional flavour solutions that mask certain off-notes or enhance sensory attributes, for example, Bell offers a product range of characteristic natural flavour profiles.
Functional advantages
Identifying potential off-tastes and applying masking expertise and flavour solutions to mitigate those notes. Masking unwanted notes such as: bitter, beany, earthy, green, astringent, chalky, nutty, grainy,…
Enhancing sensory taste attributes and rounding off the overall profile by enriching mouthfeel or umami notes, meaty and fatty profiles and smokiness – or: creamy notes, sweet and sour profiles or refreshing notes.
• umami, meat and juicy/ fatty notes, enhancing grill or smoke notes, spiciness, …
• REDsugar, enhancing creaminess or mouthfeel, fresh profiles,…
Creating a unique taste profile by applying characteristic flavour top notes or identifying on-trend taste combinations. e.g.:
• grilled beef, roasted chicken, white fish
• seasonal varieties, herb combinations, exotic spices
• ripe or green strawberry notes
• butter/milk profiles
• seasonal varieties
• exotic combinations
• hemp
PLANT FUTURE bundles a wide range of flavour components that can be used in the development of challenging recipes within a wide variety of product categories, most notably dairy products and fish and meat substitutes.
Discover our range of taste solutions and product concepts for plant-based alternatives:
We would be delighted to introduce you to our PLANT FUTURE platform in more detail and to develop product solutions for sensory convincing plant-based products according to your needs.
Plant-based nutrition is ready for the mass marketPlant-based revolution is driving market innovation
The industry is still at an early stage, yet grows fast and and presents a huge opportunity for tapping into new segments and areas to gain market share and win consumer trust in the long-term.
As consumers want to be presented with a choice of food varieties, eating occasions and innovation, product development evolves fast beyond the niche categories.
With a plant-based claim highly appealing to today’s consumers, plant-based products and ranges can help them to do good for both, their health and the planet.
Taste remains a major challenge
For a majority of consumers agree, that the taste of a plant-based product is crucial. Yet, plant-based proteins often create unwanted off-notes or missing sensory attributes, making them less appealing for consumers. Within the meat and fish substitutes, for example, mimicking the classic taste profiles of their animal-based counterparts is highly appreciated by consumers.
Some proteins create bitter, or beany off-tastes or a lack of specific organoleptic characteristics. Depending on the protein source and formulation, masking properties and effective natural flavour solutions are essential in creating well-rounded market products consumers will love.